Design China BEIJING 2021

吉原 治良 Jiro YOSHIHARA

草间 弥生 Yayoi KUSAMA

内田 江美 Emi UCHIDA

小林 麻衣子 Maiko KOBAYASHI

松枝 悠希 Yuki MATSUEDA

麻里子 Mariko HAYASHI

家增 WANG Jiazeng

允馥 Yunbok LEE

岛内 美佳 Mika SHIMAUCHI

Design China BEIJING 2021

Published 金曜日, 9月 24, 2021








与中原佑介老师合作过的上海世博会纪念版画的项目一晃也过了11年,那时策划的草间弥生版画【上海南瓜】是至今以来草间南瓜作品里,唯一一件以上海命名的版画作品。东京版画工坊的伊丹当时把5种玻璃混在一起,磨成细细的玻璃碎末,安放在版画的画面上,直至自己的手最后都会出血。碎末太细,如此敬业的職人精神正是好作品诞生的底气。版画的亮片可以放在INFINITY NET无限之网的网线上,应该也是仅此一件。
















吉原 治良 Jiro YOSHIHARA

A pioneer of post-war Japanese art, Jiro Yoshihara is widely recognized as the founder of the avant-garde Gutai group, which was active from 1954 until his death in 1972. Inspired by Yoshihara’s mandate “studies the human movement, remains true to the material and explores the undiscovered beauty”, the Gutai artists created original artworks that emphasized gesture and properties of matters. Starting in the 1960s, Yoshihara developed a style of action painting inspired by Japanese “Enso” calligraphy and Zen philosophy as well as Western abstraction, he tried myriad variations on the circle, whose simplicity and ubiquity he believed provided infinite possibilities for artistic expression.

Yoshihara’s work has been exhibited throughout his native Japan and at museums around the world, including MoMA in NYC and the Guggenheim.


草间 弥生 Yayoi KUSAMA

Born in Nagano Prefecture.

Avant-garde Sculptor, Painter and Novelist.

Started to paint using polka dots and nets as motifs at around age ten, and created fantastic paintings in watercolors, pastels and oils.1957 Went to the United States. She has showed large paintings, soft sculptures, and environmental Sculptures using mirrors and electric lights.


内田 江美 Emi UCHIDA

Emi Uchida’s abstract works are infinitely extending as a whole. But on closer inspection, they revealed a dense interplay of charcoal paintinged lines suggestive of a network.The impression conveyed by the painted surfaces was of space exploding into infinity. Here were the neural networks of the human body connecting with the unbounded expanses of the universe and transporting with them the viewer. The familiar segued spectacularly into the ineffable.

At the same time, Emi Uchida is also engaged in printmaking. She draws nourishment from the “Shunga” of the Edo period, using lines and collages to deal with taboos and explicitness, concealment and revealing, and endow tradition with new interpretation and vitality.

Her works have been exhibited in Japan, China, Taiwan (China), the United States, Europe, Turkey, Singapore, and other places. Some important solo exhibitions were held in 2016 at the Taipei 101 Tower Art Museum (Taiwan, China), in 2018 at the Miura Art Museum (Ehime, Japan), in 2018 at the Kaohsiung City Government Cultural Bureau/Taiwan Cultural Center (Taiwan, China), and in 2020 at the Setouchi Art Museum (Okayama, Japan) and other institutions.


小林 麻衣子 Maiko KOBAYASHI

Maiko Kobayashi has created a unique and lovely creature, pale and soft, as if threatened by invisible forces and feeling helpless, but she retains a light of courage and hope in her heart. This creature is like a vessel of the human soul, into which the artist puts delicate emotions and affectional connections with others. In addition to studying characters, the artist also invests a lot of time in the selection of materials and painting skills, constantly breaking through to adapt to richer changes and layers. The artist grew up in Japan’s “ACG” and “Hikikomori” cultural background, the image she created is quite universal. With the deepening of her creation, this image has its own unique “lovely philosophy”, which in turn affects her contemporaries.

Since 2009, Maiko Kobayashi has held nearly 20 solo exhibitions in Europe, China, Japan, South Korea and other places. In recent years, her works have been sought after with remarkable achievements, in the international auction market. Meanwhile, several European and Japanese publishers continue to introduce her works.


松枝 悠希 Yuki MATSUEDA

It’s one thing to conform to boring, one-dimensional street signs, but one gets a whole different feeling when obeying the incredible 3D art sings by Japanese artist Yuki Matsueda. These artworks are definitely attractive and easy to pay attention to. The series is fun, creative and unique—the pieces certainly break the mold.

Matsueda’s work consists of signs, ordinary elements and abstract images trying to escape the plastic frame they’re put into. The artist creates a 3D piece by giving the impression that the subject of the image has come to life and is trying to escape its constraints. My favorite has to be the exit man trying to actually exit—it’s extremely ironic and eye-catching.
Yuki Matsueda is a young artist whose intentions were to express through art the need to break with everyday rules and boundaries.

Matsueda completed his PHD in crafts at Tokyo University of the Arts and has since been active as a 3D artist. Although Matsueda’s parents run a printing company in Japan, his interest has been in printing equipment and 3-dimensional solids rather than 2-dimensional prints. Nevertheless, his childhood memories and aesthetic senses still retain a natural affinity for his parents’ printed products. Matsueda’s recent work express motifs from 2-dimensional planes that protrude and encompass 3-dimensional spaces. The author seeks to overcome the limitations of the printing industry and its products — planar objects.


麻里子 Mariko HAYASHI

The flow of nature, the atmosphere, the flow of time, expressing plants, water, wind, etc. with a unique worldview.

Her works are characterized by their beautiful use of color and sense of rhythm.From her works, you can also feel her sound.

She can feel the depth, as if she is protruding from the frame.Her imaginative admiration for sounds and colors.

She was born and raised in an area that knows deep winter.This must have been woven from her sensitive childhood.After graduating from her university, she gained experience as an interior designer.She has been involved in planning, supervising and producing murals, etc.She has been developing her own works since 2000.​It is undeniable that this history has a great influence on her style.

Her work is based on the idea that she wants to create art that fits the space.As it was created with space in mind, she creates a gentle atmosphere while blending into the space.


家增 WANG Jiazeng

Wang Jiazeng has been rooted in the old industrial base of Northeast China since he was a child, and the urban imprint of his youth is deeply embedded in his consciousness, which has become an inexhaustible driving power for his creation. In his more than 30 years of artistic career, Wang Jiazeng’s creative language has become more and more refined, growing from a printmaker to an abstract artist, and from an abstract artist to an installation artist. In recent years, the artist has focused on the study of “folds”, from “folds of space” to “folds of objects”, in addition to focus on the change of industrialized cities, he has more philosophical reflection. Wang Jiazeng mainly uses rusted iron, steel, aluminum and other metals to condense the distant and heavy history in the remnant fragments, and return to the trauma that is difficult to name. “Punctum” is just a glimpse into this trauma, and the desolation of bodies and minds left over from China’s northern industrial age.

Wang Jiacheng has won several national print works awards, and more than 60 works have been selected by the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum of Cambridge University, the Dusseldorf Museum, the National Art Museum of China, the Shanghai Art Museum, the Guangdong Museum of Art, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Printmaking Museum, Today Art Museum, Zhejiang Art Museum, Guan Shanyue Art Museum and art museums in Anhui, Sichuan, Guizhou, Qingdao, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, etc.


允馥 Yunbok LEE

Born in Seoul, Korea in 1970, Lee’s work is based on the fundamental core of human body and humanity.  Since his return from Japan in 2003 after finishing his research-student program in metal sculpture at Tokyo University of the Arts, he has been working almost exclusively in stainless steel for his creation.  He creates work from hard stainless steel that feels heavy and is light, looks firm and yet soft, with essential elements and simplicity.

The creation of his work begins with damaging a pure metal through hammering, bending, cutting and grinding, and then attaching the damaged metal pieces by welding and then finely polished to create a new life.  Likewise, the core of our body and soul are damaged and hurt as well, and they are similarly mended, comforted and purified over time. 

Although his work process requires a tremendous amount of time and labor, he believes that his work evolves through the process of making, i.e. it is spontaneously generated in the process of making.  As the artist says “Artwork is made on the border between mind and body.  We go to sleep feeling the pain of our body, and so we awake.” And again, “…to me the process is a part of the artwork itself and it is where its soul emerges”.  With a mirror-liked body, the evolution of his work never stops as it mutates into new forms with its ever changing surroundings.  Its soul speaks to the hearts of those who look upon it.


岛内 美佳 Mika SHIMAUCHI

Mika Shimauchi is eager to touch the reality of this world and wants to leave a trace that can be touched. As artists’ most commonly used material, clay can be directly touched with hands, evoking childhood memories and touching real sense. In particular, the exploration of life and death is one of the themes that the artist cares most about. She believes that this is very important to understand who we are and how we should live. Unfortunately, even without such thinking, we still live in this world.

The artist develops motifs from her own landscapes and exhibits them as sculptures and various works. The imperfections visible within the works are a motion to humorously represent the irony of the over-efficiency of our lifestyles under the weight of globalization created by mankind, and yet how we are unable to fully adapt.