平野 耕作 Kousaku HIRANO
冯 依伦 FENG Yilun


Published 木曜日, 6月 22, 2023

The 2023 JINGPHOTO Art Fair will open on 22 June at the Enjoy Art Museum in Beijing’s 798 Art District. As the participating gallery of the first JINGPHOTO Invitational Exhibition, Shun Art Gallery will present important works by two outstanding artists, Kousaku HIRANO and FENG Yilun, whose works represent the dynamic development of contemporary photography and the artist’s subtlety and creative freedom.


平野耕作|Kousaku HIRANOKousaku HIRANO, a renowned Japanese photographer, was selected as one of the [World’s Top 200 Photographers] of the year, and is a member of the Japan Photographers Association and the Japan Advertising Photographers Association.Photographer Kousaku HIRANO has spent 10 years on the mudflats opposite Tokyo Bay shooting a series of works called “Regeneration of the Five Senses”. In contrast to the over-glorified memories of his childhood, the dry mudflats are like the rich and luxurious commodities of modern life that are instantly turned into rubbish, once abandoned, the old and new trash bordering the natural world. The mudflats facing Tokyo Bay are the forgotten reality of the landscape in which people live. Only by regenerating the five senses will we be able to redeem the forgotten landscape.Here and in the meantime, the landscape has changed, the buildings in the distance have changed, the expressions of the paths have changed, and the air has changed. How will nature view every step of humans?
冯依伦|FENG Yilun(b.1994)

Born in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, Yilun Feng graduated from the Il Bisonte – Foundation for Art and Printmaking in Florence, Italy, and now lives and works in Shanghai.

Independent photographer and darkroom maker. He trys to return to the era of the beginning of imaging in the 19th century. He uses various Italian darkroom techniques such as hand-made photosensitive salt fixation to capture the passing light and shadow. Time and space change from objective to subjective in his works, and the stretched pictures flow with the rhythm of breathing, returning to the starting point of memory again and again.